Several new features were customized based on the standard Odoo ERP system. The features are listed as follows:
Login/Sign-up page: Odoo provides a login page, but a new sign-up page was designed, wherein new customers can feed their basic information and create a login access with their username and password.
Category: Odoo doesn’t provide any category option in website home page. A slider snippet for category panel was developed/customized for product category on left side of home page.
Product Detail Page: As in any eCommerce website there a multiple tiles defining the product, its name, short description, price, add to cart button, with option to add quantity, but for more detailed product description a separate page was developed.
On clicking on the tile a new page would open with product description details with image, option to zoom the image, its nutrition value, ingredients and other information are provided. The description page would also have option to add/reduce product quantity, plus alternative product option are also shown in the product detailed page.
Add to wish list/Favorites: Heart icon is provided on the product tile. On selecting the heart icon the product is added to the favorite. The website provides option to add products in favorite list or they can prepare a multiple wish list for the goods required on daily basis. The products can be added to the cart directly from the favorite list or wish list.
Delivery schedule calendar: The other challenge was the functionality, wherein the time slots calendar was customized based on Odoo calendar. On the frontend (Website) side customer had options to select the delivery date and day to receive the ordered goods. These timeslots were configurable from the backend side, depending on the date, time and the occasional day.
Suppose on weekends, Saturday’s the time for ordering and delivery is limited, on festivals and special occasion’s specific time slots would be defined. While on Sundays there won’t be any delivery, so the order placed on weekends would show the delivery option for the next available day and date.
Similarly for receiving the next delivery the last order time was defined till 6 PM. If the order in placed after 6 PM, then the order delivery would not be available for the next day, but the system would automatically provide the option for next available delivery date and time.
Vendor Orders: Based on customer orders, the same would be transferred to the vendors. Everyday morning fresh supply of orders would be delivered to Rayon’s warehouse. The fresh goods would be bifurcated and packed as per the customer orders based on the delivery date and time. Then these goods would be delivered to the customers.
Recipe with ingredients quantity based on the serving: The eCommerce website has recipe pages, providing the recipe preparation description with the required ingredients based on the serving to be prepared. If the servings were updated/changed, then required ingredients quantity would updated for meal preparation. The system would provide a tentative required quantity, wherein the customer could order them or add to cart.
Cart Page: Odoo provides check out page, based on the cart page a check-out page was customized. The cart page has multiple functionalities to add/reduce product quantity, add products to favorite list, save shopping cart as wish list, empty cart, suggested products for up-selling, continue shopping button, total cart amount and message for minimum order for free delivery.
Payment integration: A special payment gateway was customized, wherein all the payments options are accepted, i.e. Credit Card, Debit Card, either Visa or Master card. Along with the payment integration the payment refund process was also customized which is managed through the helpdesk ticket.
FAQ’s: A special page was also created for FAQ’s (Frequently Ask Questions). To answers the common questions generally asked by customers.
Newsletter: For receiving newsletter, the customer can subscribe the newsletter for special promotional offers. New recipes and other information provided by the eCommerce site. Special dynamic snippet was customize for configuring the newsletter information from Odoo backend side.