What Is Odoo BI Dashboard?
(BI Stand For Business Intelligence)
Odoo Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard is a business tool used to manage all the business information from a single point of access. It helps managers and employees to keep track of the company’s KPIs and utilizes business intelligence to help companies make data-driven decisions.
Dynamic & Vivacious Dashboard Reports
The dynamically generated reports with 15 vivacious views provides the information on your fingertips.
Bar - Vertical
Bar - Horizontal
To Do
Get compiled real-time data reports at one place.
For every Odoo module separate dashboards can be created. Along with separate dashboards compiled real-time data can achieved on your fingertips. The user friendly UI helps in monitoring all the angles of your business, like Sales, Purchase, HR, Employees, Inventory, Manufacturing. Etc., in a single screen. This compiled data helps the decision makers of the company to scale the business parameters, set their targets, forecast future growth and take necessary steps to achieve them.
Real-time Data Update
Provides a bird’s-eye view with real-time data updates or the data is updated at specific time intervals.
and Tab Friendly
Flexible & Responsive Layout
Control your business from your Mobile, Tablet, or Desktop, and get real-time data on the go. With the ultimate user experience, the Odoo BI dashboard provides the flexibility to glance the data from your device.
Download the Dashboard data
& image file
(Excel, CSV, PDF, PNG)
The download data can be fetched in Excel and CSV. For presentation, the image file can be downloaded in PDF and PNG format.
Access Rights
With a click of a button, multiple user rights can be defined directly through the dashboard, to view, edit and delete.
Customizable Dashboard Tile
Multiple predefined tiles with options are provided with the option to change the color for the background and fonts, and change/upload icons.
Date Filter
Fetch the data from your preferred date or predefined date filters like last 7 days, 30 days and 90 days, etc. Present data in a timely manner over a selected period in the date filter option. Select from 20 predefined date filters (Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 90 days, & more) or choose a custom date.
Predefined Dashboards
Covering all the business verticals aspects, Odoo BI Dashboard will provide 8 Predefined dashboards for FREE, covering Sales, Purchase, eCommerce, CRM, Account, Inventory, Manufacturing, and POS, Customize them as per your need.
Duplicate or Move Dashboards
The dashboard layout can be set and duplicated for other dashboards. Or if a dashboard is created with the wrong items or the items are selected, then it can be moved to the desired dashboard.
Multiple list view Together
For easy comparison of data with multiple items, Odoo BI Dashboard provides a list view comparison of multiple items.
Numerous Dashboards with Personalize configuration
Numerous dashboards can be designed to fulfill the requirements of various departments in a large organization. Odoo BI dashboard provides (4) predefined templates for quick dashboard set-up or they can be configured with the personalized interface name, group access rights, select sequence, auto update time, etc.
& Arrange Your Dashboard Layout
Style & arrange your dashboard layouts as per your needs by resizing, dragging, repositioning the dashboard items, and renaming the heading it with your preference.
Predefined & Dynamic Multi-Color Themes
Odoo BI Dashboard provides predefined interactive themes with beautiful multi-colored options for quick styling of your graph view. It also provides a dynamic option to select the colors of your choice.
Without complex formulas, targets can be defined for clear performance indication Target feature helps to present clear and concise performance information without providing complex formulas or knowledge.
Export & Import
complete Dashboards
Through JSON, export and import operations can be performed, and the complete dashboard or specific dashboard item can be exported to the same system or different Odoo instances, thus saving time and effort with simple operations.
Data Filtration - Group By,
Limit & Sort By
Fetch actual results from the desired dashboard item with multiple filter options like Group by, Sort by, Limit, etc.
View & Access Item
Hover any data chart and get quick access to the data from the dashboard window and also from the info icon. The details can also be fetched from a particular graph item, e.g. the data can be fetched with details, particularly for the highest-selling product shown in the chart.
To Do List
Keep track of your activities in To-Do-List. A useful tool on the dashboard to manage your daily activities and reminders.
Quick Edit Mode
The basic information of any dashboard items can be edited by the user instantly with Quick Edit Mode. With quick and easy user interface, the user doesn’t need to go to the edit detailed screen.
Numbering Systems
With predefined numbering options track the data with the format used in your country. (English, Indian, Colombian Peso Format, and Exact Value).
Show/Hide Data Values
For presentation, discussion and other purpose, the data value on the dashboard items can be hidden or shown.
Monetary/ Custom Units
The monetary value can be defined on the charts, like USD, INR, Euros, etc. or create and use custom units.
Support Right-To-Left (RTL)
Odoo BI Dashboard provides Right-To-Left functionality for Arabic language. The layout also changes to RTL with the language orientation.
Covers all Odoo Modules
The Odoo BI Dashboard is designed to cover all Odoo standard modules. Apart from the Free predefined dashboards mentioned above, it will aligned to all the standard modules of Odoo.