
Drag & Drop Multi Attachments in Odoo Form View

How To Drag & Drop Multi Attachments in Odoo Form View?

Drag & Drop multiple attachments in the form view of any Odoo objects. This feature will reduce the time of lengthy process to open the pop-up window of attachment, browse the files, attach them and upload.

The attachments, which selected can simply drag & drop to the form view and will be available at the “Attachments” dropdown box on the top of the form view.

To attach the files in the Odoo object, You have to open the form view, explore the file(s), select the file(s) and drag & drop them into the “Drop your files here” area of the form view.

drag and drop multi attachment in odoo form

Dropped files will be available in the “Attachments” dropdown box on the top of the form view.

Attachments” dropdown box on the top of the odoo form view

VIDEO DEMO For Drag and Drop Attachment In Odoo

The "Drag and Drop Attachment" feature in Odoo makes it easy to add files. Simply drag a file and drop it into the system. This easy-to-use feature saves time and helps you work faster. A short video demo shows how simple it is to attach files to emails, tasks, or records, making document management smooth and quick in Odoo.


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